Të shqetësuar nga zhvillimet e fundit dhe tentimet e partive në pushtet për të kapur Këshillin Drejtues të Agjencisë për Media, Aleanca për Shqiptarët ka alarmuar përfaqësitë diplomatike të SHBA-së, BE-së, vendeve anëtare të BE-së, Shqipërisë, Kosovës dhe rajonit.
Në letrën nisur ambasadave të lartëpërmendura, kemi potencuar tentimin e partive të koalicionit qeveritar Vlen për imponimin e dy anëtarëve të tyre partiak në Agjencinë për Media, Nafie Selmani dhe Afrona Vervizoli. Përveç këtij tentimi, ambasadat janë njoftuar edhe për kërcënimet ndaj gazetarëve që kanë raportuar rreth këtij rasti nga ana e kunatit të Vërzivollit.
“Këshilli është një institucion jashtëzakonisht i rëndësishëm për zbatimin e politikave mediatike.
Megjithatë, partitë po tentojnë sërish të politizojnë të gjithë procesin, i cili po përhap rreziqet e korrupsionit, klientelizmit dhe instrumentalizimit të sferës mediatike.
Ekziston rreziku që politikat mediatike të vendosen nga interesat partiake dhe drejtuesit e vendosur të medias”, thuhet mes tjerash në letrën drejtuar përfaqësive diplomatike në vend.
Në vijim ju përcjellim përmbajtjen origjinale të letrës në gjuhën angleze:
Your excellency,
The Parliament of North Macedonia, after a 10-year hiatus, is in the process of electing members of the Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.
The Council is an extremely important institution for implementing media policies.
However, the parties are once again trying to politicize the entire process, which is spreading the risks of corruption, clientelism and instrumentalization of the media sphere.
There is a risk that media policies will be decided by party interests and established media bosses.
The parties from the ruling coalition VLEN, are behind two candidates, party cadres, although the law explicitly prohibits the election of party cadres as members of the Council. These are the candidates Nafie Selmani and Afrona Vervizoli.
Selmani was a party candidate of Alternativa, one of the parties part of the VLEN coalition, for mayor of the City of Skopje. Nafie Selmani was also a candidate for municipal councilor in Cair, and in the last parliamentary elections he was a candidate for MP for this party.
The ruling coalition is once again trying to find a state position for Afrona Vervizoli. She is from the camp of Health Minister Arben Taravari. The government elected her in August, but after public reactions, dismissed Vervizoli from the position of chief auditor of IPA funds. Very strict conditions must be met for this position, and she did not have an auditor’s license, but despite that she was elected to that position at the proposal of VLEN. The EU Delegation in Skopje also reacted to Vervizoli’s case at the time. In addition, she is the wife of the president of the Taravari group’s branch in Lipkovo, Adrian Demiri.
Journalists who wrote about Vervizoli’s candidacy for a member of the AVMU Council received threats and inappropriate messages from Afrona’s brother-in-law, Faik Demiri. After the reactions of the journalist associations AJNM and SSNM, Demiri apologized.
The journalistic profession and the public fear that the parties may once again partisanize this most important regulatory media body.
The situation with the media has been a weak point in the country for years, as evidenced by EU reports, as well as domestic and international research. But in the past ten years, the Parliament has failed to facilitate changes, and therefore the AVMS Council, although it had a five-year mandate, has five more. The Parliament last elected members of the Council in 2014.
Best regards
Alliance for Albanians
Ziadin Sela, president